Заполните пропуски артиклями,где это необходимо. 1.Do you want to go . country? my wife asked me on...

артикли грамматика английский язык упражнения заполнение пропусков Kuskovo театр шахматы dinner прогулка грамматические правила

Заполните пропуски артиклями,где это необходимо. 1.Do you want to go . country? my wife asked me on Sunday. 2.I'd love to, I answered. We decided to go to . Kuskovo and got there at eleven in . morning . weather was fine and we had . long walk in . park . 3.We went back to . town at four in . afternoon. 4.We had . dinner, and in . evening we went to . theatre. 5. . play was very interesting and we liked it very much. 6.Then we went . home. 7.At . home we had . supper, played . game of . chess and went to . bed at 12 o'clock.

задан 5 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


  1. Do you want to go to the country? my wife asked me on Sunday.
  2. I'd love to, I answered. We decided to go to Kuskovo and got there at eleven in the morning. The weather was fine and we had a long walk in the park.
  3. We went back to the town at four in the afternoon.
  4. We had a dinner, and in the evening we went to the theatre.
  5. The play was very interesting and we liked it very much.
  6. Then we went home.
  7. At home we had a supper, played a game of chess, and went to bed at 12 o'clock.

ответил 5 месяцев назад

Заполнение пропусков артиклями в английском языке зависит от контекста и правил использования определенных (the) и неопределенных (a, an) артиклей. Давайте рассмотрим каждое предложение:

  1. Do you want to go to the country? my wife asked me on Sunday.

    • Здесь используется определенный артикль "the", так как речь идет о конкретной местности (country), которая подразумевается или известна говорящим.
  2. I'd love to, I answered. We decided to go to Kuskovo and got there at eleven in the morning. The weather was fine and we had a long walk in the park.

    • "Kuskovo" — это имя собственное, поэтому артикль не требуется.
    • "the morning" — утро конкретного дня, поэтому используется определенный артикль "the".
    • "The weather" — конкретная погода в этот день, поэтому используется "the".
    • "a long walk" — неопределенная прогулка, одна из многих возможных, поэтому используется неопределенный артикль "a".
    • "the park" — конкретный парк, о котором идет речь в контексте, поэтому используется "the".
  3. We went back to the town at four in the afternoon.

    • "the town" — конкретный город, известный из контекста.
    • "the afternoon" — конкретное время дня, поэтому используется "the".
  4. We had dinner, and in the evening we went to the theatre.

    • "dinner" — обычно используется без артикля, если речь идет про обычный ужин.
    • "the evening" — конкретный вечер после ужина.
    • "the theatre" — конкретное место, известное из контекста.
  5. The play was very interesting and we liked it very much.

    • "The play" — конкретная пьеса, на которую они пошли.
  6. Then we went home.

    • "home" — используется без артикля, когда речь идет о возвращении домой.
  7. At home we had supper, played a game of chess and went to bed at 12 o'clock.

    • "home" — в значении нахождения дома, без артикля.
    • "supper" — обычно используется без артикля, если речь идет про обычный ужин.
    • "a game of chess" — одна из возможных игр, поэтому "a".
    • "bed" — используется без артикля, когда речь идет о процессе сна.

Итак, правильное заполнение выглядит следующим образом:

  1. Do you want to go to the country? my wife asked me on Sunday.
  2. I'd love to, I answered. We decided to go to Kuskovo and got there at eleven in the morning. The weather was fine and we had a long walk in the park.
  3. We went back to the town at four in the afternoon.
  4. We had dinner, and in the evening we went to the theatre.
  5. The play was very interesting and we liked it very much.
  6. Then we went home.
  7. At home we had supper, played a game of chess and went to bed at 12 o'clock.

ответил 5 месяцев назад

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