Замените выделенные слова притяжательными местоимениями.1. This is Ben's room. 2. This is Helen's hat....

английский язык грамматика образование притяжательные местоимения упражнения

Замените выделенные слова притяжательными местоимениями.1. This is Ben's room. 2. This is Helen's hat. 3. Here is my parents' house. 4. Nick's mother is an economist. 5. Where is my brother'sbag? 6. I like Helen's car. 7. Ann's books are on the table. 8 This student's sister is my friend. 9. My sister's house is not far from Ben'shouse. 10. Where is the children's room? 11. Ann's brothers study at the university. 12. These boys fathers don't work at the factory. 13. Here is my sisters flat.

задан 10 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


Для замены выделенных слов притяжательными местоимениями, важно сначала понять, кому или чему принадлежит объект или человек в предложении. Вот как можно заменить выделенные слова притяжательными местоимениями в данных предложениях:

  1. This is Ben's room. — This is his room.
  2. This is Helen's hat. — This is her hat.
  3. Here is my parents' house. — Here is their house.
  4. Nick's mother is an economist.His mother is an economist.
  5. Where is my brother's bag? — Where is his bag?
  6. I like Helen's car. — I like her car.
  7. Ann's books are on the table.Her books are on the table.
  8. This student's sister is my friend.His/her sister is my friend (зависит от пола студента).
  9. My sister's house is not far from Ben's house.Her house is not far from his house.
  10. Where is the children's room? — Where is their room?
  11. Ann's brothers study at the university.Her brothers study at the university.
  12. These boys' fathers don't work at the factory.Their fathers don't work at the factory.
  13. Here is my sister's flat. — Here is her flat.

Как видим, притяжательные местоимения меняются в зависимости от того, кто является владельцем или обладателем чего-либо в предложении, а также от числа и пола этого лица или группы лиц.

ответил 10 месяцев назад

  1. This is his room.
  2. This is her hat.
  3. Here is our house.
  4. His mother is an economist.
  5. Where is his bag?
  6. I like her car.
  7. Her books are on the table.
  8. His sister is my friend.
  9. Our house is not far from his.
  10. Where is their room?
  11. Her brothers study at the university.
  12. These boys' fathers don't work at the factory.
  13. Here is our flat.

ответил 10 месяцев назад

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