Конечно, давайте заменим выделенные слова в предложениях личными местоимениями. Для этого нам нужно определить, какие местоимения соответствуют каждому выделенному слову на основе рода, числа и падежа.
"Jane" took "three books" from "Jim".
She took them from him.
"His cousins" live in "Moscow".
They live in it.
Their "grandfather and grandmother" will come tomorrow.
They will come tomorrow.
"Mary" works in "a shop".
She works in it.
"The teacher" helped the "pupils" to translate the "text".
He (или she в зависимости от пола учителя) helped them to translate it.
"Mother" asked "Mary" to wash "the plates".
She asked her to wash them.
"My friend" writes "a letter" to "his sister".
He (или she в зависимости от пола друга) writes it to her.
Теперь, с замененными личными местоимениями, предложения выглядят следующим образом:
- She took them from him.
- They live in it.
- They will come tomorrow.
- She works in it.
- He (или She) helped them to translate it.
- She asked her to wash them.
- He (или She) writes it to her.
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