Укажите номера предложений, сказуемые которых стоят в Prezent Indefinite Tense. 1. The students translate...

Present Indefinite предложения английский язык грамматика 11 14 15 17 19 20 24 25 27 29 30.

Укажите номера предложений, сказуемые которых стоят в Prezent Indefinite Tense.

  1. The students translate French texts well.
  2. He likes to go to the theatre.
  3. I am going to the technical school.
  4. Do you live in Moscow?
  5. He will study English.
  6. He did not work at the factory.
  7. My mother speaks English well.
  8. Does Pete often go to the theatre?
  9. We do not study at school.
  10. He will not read English books.
  11. Do you live in Moscow?
  12. It took me an hour to get to the technical school.
  13. Shall we go to the cinema?
  14. They live in Minsk.
  15. My sister takes English lessons.
  16. Ann did not speak English.
  17. Does she go to the cinema?
  18. Did you take my book?
  19. We help our granny with housework.
  20. My sister likes to dance.
  21. His life was hard.
  22. I want to be a technician.
  23. I was asked at the lesson.
  24. Does she study English?
  25. She works at a hospital.
  26. Did you read this text?
  27. My friend likes reading English books.
  28. She will study English.
  29. Pete's sister does not work.
  30. Do you study at school?

задан 3 месяца назад

3 Ответа


  1. The students translate French texts well.
  2. He likes to go to the theatre.
  3. My mother speaks English well.
  4. Shall we go to the cinema?
  5. They live in Minsk.
  6. My sister takes English lessons.
  7. My sister likes to dance.
  8. Does she study English?
  9. She works at a hospital.
  10. My friend likes reading English books.
  11. She will study English.

ответил 3 месяца назад

1, 2, 7, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 27

ответил 3 месяца назад

Время Present Indefinite Tense (также известное как Present Simple) используется для выражения регулярных действий, общеизвестных фактов и привычек. В предложениях в этом времени обычно используются такие глаголы, как do/does для вопросов и отрицательных форм, а также глаголы в их основной форме для утвердительных предложений. Давайте рассмотрим предложения, сказуемые которых стоят в Present Indefinite Tense:

  1. The students translate French texts well.
  2. He likes to go to the theatre.
  3. Do you live in Moscow?
  4. My mother speaks English well.
  5. Does Pete often go to the theatre?
  6. We do not study at school.
  7. Do you live in Moscow?
  8. They live in Minsk.
  9. My sister takes English lessons.
  10. Does she go to the cinema?
  11. We help our granny with housework.
  12. My sister likes to dance.
  13. I want to be a technician.
  14. Does she study English?
  15. She works at a hospital.
  16. My friend likes reading English books.
  17. Pete's sister does not work.
  18. Do you study at school?

Эти предложения содержат глаголы в Present Indefinite Tense, так как они описывают регулярные действия или факты.

ответил 3 месяца назад

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