Трансформируйте предложения Активного залога в Пассивный. a. Ann cleans her room every week. b. People...

активный залог пассивный залог грамматика английский язык трансформация предложений упражнения обучение языку примеры предложений

Трансформируйте предложения Активного залога в Пассивный.

a. Ann cleans her room every week. b. People build new houses in big cities. c. We bought oranges and pears in the shop. d. They sold stamps in the post office. e. I will not take my sister to the History Museum. f. Pupils didn't visit the boy last week. g. Children will play hide-and-seek in the park. h. They will show the cartoons in the evening. i. We do not translate poem at home.

задан месяц назад

3 Ответа


a. Her room is cleaned by Ann every week. b. New houses are built in big cities by people. c. Oranges and pears were bought in the shop by us. d. Stamps were sold in the post office by them. e. My sister will not be taken to the History Museum by me. f. The boy was not visited by pupils last week. g. Hide-and-seek will be played by children in the park. h. The cartoons will be shown in the evening by them. i. Poems are not translated at home by us.

ответил месяц назад

Для преобразования предложений из Активного залога в Пассивный необходимо изменить структуру предложения так, чтобы объект действия стал подлежащим, а само действие выражалось глаголом в пассивной форме. Вот как можно трансформировать каждое из указанных предложений:

a. Ann cleans her room every week.

  • Her room is cleaned by Ann every week.

b. People build new houses in big cities.

  • New houses are built in big cities.

c. We bought oranges and pears in the shop.

  • Oranges and pears were bought in the shop.

d. They sold stamps in the post office.

  • Stamps were sold in the post office.

e. I will not take my sister to the History Museum.

  • My sister will not be taken to the History Museum.

f. Pupils didn't visit the boy last week.

  • The boy was not visited by pupils last week.

g. Children will play hide-and-seek in the park.

  • Hide-and-seek will be played in the park.

h. They will show the cartoons in the evening.

  • The cartoons will be shown in the evening.

i. We do not translate poem at home.

  • The poem is not translated at home.


  1. Выбор подлежащего: В пассивном залоге подлежащее обычно соответствует дополнению в активном залоге, то есть тому, над чем совершается действие.
  2. Форма глагола: Глагол в пассивном залоге состоит из формы глагола "to be" + причастие прошедшего времени основного глагола (например, "is cleaned", "were bought").
  3. Сохранение времени: Пассивная форма сохраняет время, заложенное в активной форме, т.е., если активное предложение в настоящем времени, то и пассивное должно быть в настоящем, если в прошедшем — то в прошедшем и т.д.
  4. Указание исполнителя действия (опционально): Исполнитель действия в пассивных предложениях вводится с помощью предлога "by" (например, "by Ann", "by pupils"), но часто опускается, если он неважен или очевиден из контекста.

Таким образом, переход от активного к пассивному залогу позволяет поменять фокус внимания с того, кто совершает действие, на то, над чем действие совершается.

ответил месяц назад

a. Her room is cleaned by Ann every week. b. New houses are built in big cities by people. c. Oranges and pears were bought in the shop by us. d. Stamps were sold in the post office by them. e. My sister will not be taken to the History Museum by me. f. The boy was not visited by pupils last week. g. Hide-and-seek will be played by children in the park. h. The cartoons will be shown in the evening by them. i. Poems are not translated at home by us.

ответил месяц назад

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