The oldest country in the world is .Iran, which was known as .
Persia until 1934.
The hunters got lost in .Rocky Mountains.
.Iceland is a volcanic island.
The highest peak in .North America is . Mount McKinley.
They are planning to visit.Lake Chad in . North Central Africa
during their holiday.
A lthough.Australia is the smallest continent, it is the largest island
in the world.
Europe extends from .British Isles in .west tow ards.
Urals in . east.
Republic of Ireland is a state in .West Europe.
Dead Sea, also called. Salt Sea, is a salt lake bordering. j
Jordan t o .east and . Israel and . West Bank to . west-
.Tasmania, lo cated. southeast o f. mainland Australia,
is a major tourist attraction due to its diverse and spectacular scenery, unspoilt
wilderness and heritage. вставить слова