Рассказ на английском языке о любимой игрушке 2класс

favorite toy English story 2nd grade children's story toy description elementary school personal narrative

рассказ на английском языке о любимой игрушке 2класс

задан 11 дней назад

2 Ответа


My favorite toy is a teddy bear named Teddy. Teddy has been with me since I was a baby and we have been through so much together. Teddy is soft and cuddly, with brown fur and a cute little smile on his face. I love to hold Teddy close to me when I sleep, and I always feel safe and comforted when he is by my side.

Teddy and I have had so many adventures together. We have tea parties, play dress-up, and go on imaginary treasure hunts in my backyard. Teddy is always up for any game or activity I come up with, and he never complains or gets tired. He is the best friend a kid could ask for.

I take good care of Teddy, making sure to keep him clean and tidy. I never want anything to happen to him because he means so much to me. I know that no matter what, Teddy will always be there for me, ready to listen and comfort me whenever I need him.

In conclusion, Teddy is not just a toy to me. He is a cherished friend who has been by my side through thick and thin. I will always hold a special place in my heart for Teddy and the memories we have created together.

ответил 11 дней назад

Конечно! Вот пример рассказа на английском языке о любимой игрушке, который может подойти для ученика второго класса:

My Favorite Toy

I have a special toy that I love very much. It is a teddy bear named Benny. Benny is small and very soft. He is brown with a little red bow tie around his neck. My parents gave him to me on my birthday last year.

Every night, I hug Benny when I go to bed. He makes me feel safe and happy. Sometimes, I have dreams about going on adventures with Benny. We pretend to be pirates or astronauts exploring the stars.

During the day, Benny sits on my bed and watches over my room. I like to tell him about my day when I come home from school. Even though he cannot talk, I imagine what Benny would say. He is a great listener!

Benny also has a tiny backpack that I made for him. Inside, I keep small treasures like shiny stones and little notes. When my friends come over, they also like to play with Benny. We create stories and have fun together.

I think Benny is the best toy because he is always there for me. He is more than just a toy; he is my friend. I hope I can keep Benny forever.

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ответил 11 дней назад

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