Quickly read the article and check your answers to the questions in exercise In fact, I started travelling...

тревелинг детство родители авиаперелеты самостоятельные поездки летние каникулы Европа Китай семейные отношения культурные путешествия

Quickly read the article and check your answers to the questions in exercise In fact, I started travelling abroad at a really early age. My mother lives in Paris, France, while my father lives in London, and they separated A . I live with my mother, but I have spent at least one weekend a month with my father in London since I was six. I went on my first trip on my own when I was seven! Before that, I used to travel between Paris and London with my mother or father. Then my mum found out about a British Airways service called Skyflyer Solo, B that unaccompanied children get to their destination safely, looked after by the ground staff and cabin crew. My mum would take me to the airport in Paris and hand me over to the ground staff. Whenever I arrived, the ground staff in London looked after me until I met my father. I didn’t use to like it at first, even though they were all very kind to me, C . I now get on with all of the airport staff and I know them all by their first names. But it’s not just between London and Paris that I travel. In summer, both of my parents like to travel abroad and they always take me with them. So I spend two or three weeks with my father in a beach resort and another fortnight with my mother, D . It is with her that I have travelled to most European capitals, as well as New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. The most exciting of all my travels was last summer. I was just back from a holiday in Prague with my mother and was expecting to leave for the Greek islands with my dad a few days later. Actually, I was shopping for a new swimsuit E on my mobile and asked if I would like to go to China with him. I almost dropped the phone! China was the place I most wanted to go to! A week later my dad and I were sailing down the Yangtze River! Everything looked so exotic compared to the places we usually visit. We stayed in China for three weeks, F ! And even though for the first time in many years I didn’t get to swim at all during the summer, I really didn’t mind. I’d like to go back to China every year Six sentence parts have been removed from the text. Choose from the list (1–7) the part which fits each gap (A–F). There is one extra sentence part which you do not need to use 1 who never spend holidays together 2 but I soon got used to it 3 when my dad called me 4 who prefers what she calls a ‘cultural holiday’ 5 but I didn't think it was enough 6 which makes sure 7 when I was six

задан 2 месяца назад

3 Ответа


A - 7 B - 6 C - 2 D - 1 E - 3 F - 5

ответил 2 месяца назад

A - 7. when I was six B - 6. which makes sure C - 2. but I soon got used to it D - 1. who never spend holidays together E - 3. when my dad called me F - 5. but I didn't think it was enough

ответил 2 месяца назад

To complete the text with the missing parts, let's analyze each gap and find the most suitable sentence part from the list provided.

A: The sentence right before the gap talks about the child's parents living in different cities and mentions that they separated. The most logical sentence part that fits here is 7 ("when I was six"), as it provides context for the separation timing.

B: This gap follows the introduction of a service by British Airways. The sentence needs a phrase that explains what the service does. The best fit is 6 ("which makes sure"), as it describes the function of the Skyflyer Solo service.

C: Here, the sentence mentions that the child didn't like traveling alone at first despite kind treatment. The phrase that logically follows is 2 ("but I soon got used to it"), indicating a change in feelings over time.

D: The gap follows a description of summer travels with the mother. The sentence part that fits well here is 4 ("who prefers what she calls a ‘cultural holiday’"), as it explains the type of vacations taken with the mother.

E: This gap is within a sentence where the child is shopping for a swimsuit when something unexpected happens. The suitable sentence part is 3 ("when my dad called me"), as it introduces the unexpected event of the father calling.

F: This part is at the end of a description of a trip to China. It should convey a concluding thought about the trip. Sentence part 5 ("but I didn't think it was enough") fits well, as it expresses a desire for the trip to continue.

The extra sentence part that is not used is 1 ("who never spend holidays together"), which doesn't fit seamlessly into any of the gaps given the context provided in the text.

So, the completed text with the sentence parts filled in is:

A - 7 B - 6 C - 2 D - 4 E - 3 F - 5

ответил 2 месяца назад

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