Прочитай и ответь на вопросы Tom’s Dream Tom Brown was 6 years old. He lived at 27, Green Square in...

Tom Brown dream zoo England family mother secretary typist wild animals description age appearance school telephone number Green Square.

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Tom’s Dream Tom Brown was 6 years old. He lived at 27, Green Square in a little town in the South of England. There was a telephone in their flat. It was 602-4439. Tom’s mother was a secretary. She was a typist too. Tom was a nice little boy. He was dark-haired, with a funny round face and a kind smile. He wasn’t short and he wasn’t tall. He was very sweet. His mother was about 30. She was a tall, slim woman, fair-haired with large brown eyes and a kind smile. She loved her little son very much. One morning when Tom finished breakfast she said to him: “We are going to the zoo today. Hurry up!” Tom was very happy. He loved wild animals and was fond of going to the zoo. “Mummy, you know, I dreamed about the zoo last night,” he said. “Did you?” smiled his mother. “And what did you do in the zoo in your dream?” Tom laughed and said: “You know, Mummy. You were there in my dream too.” Questions:

  1. What was Tom’s address?
  2. What was his telephone number?
  3. What was his mother’s job?
  4. Can you describe Tom? What did he look like?
  5. How old was Tom?
  6. How old was his mother?
  7. Did Tom go to school? What school do you think it was?
  8. What did Tom see in his dream?

задан 3 месяца назад

2 Ответа


Для того чтобы ответить на вопросы, сначала разберём текст о Томе и его матери.

  1. What was Tom’s address?

    • Том жил по адресу: 27, Green Square в маленьком городке на юге Англии.
  2. What was his telephone number?

    • Номер телефона в их квартире был 602-4439.
  3. What was his mother’s job?

    • Мать Тома работала секретарём и также была машинисткой.
  4. Can you describe Tom? What did he look like?

    • Том был милым маленьким мальчиком с тёмными волосами, забавным круглым лицом и доброй улыбкой. Он был среднего роста, ни низким, ни высоким, и очень милым.
  5. How old was Tom?

    • Тому было 6 лет.
  6. How old was his mother?

    • Его матери было около 30 лет.
  7. Did Tom go to school? What school do you think it was?

    • В тексте не упоминается напрямую, ходил ли Том в школу, но, учитывая его возраст (6 лет), вероятно, он посещал начальную школу (primary school), как это принято в Англии для детей его возраста.
  8. What did Tom see in his dream?

    • В своем сне Том видел зоопарк. В тексте не уточняется, что именно он видел в зоопарке, но известно, что его мама тоже была в этом сне.

Таким образом, текст рассказывает о маленьком мальчике по имени Том, который живёт с мамой, и их планах на поход в зоопарк, что также является темой его сна.

ответил 3 месяца назад

  1. Tom's address was 27, Green Square in a little town in the South of England.
  2. His telephone number was 602-4439.
  3. Tom's mother was a secretary and a typist.
  4. Tom was a nice little boy with dark hair, a funny round face, and a kind smile. He was not short and not tall, just the right height.
  5. Tom was 6 years old.
  6. His mother was about 30 years old.
  7. It is not mentioned in the text whether Tom went to school or not, but since he was 6 years old, it is likely that he was attending school. The type of school is not specified.
  8. In his dream, Tom saw the zoo and his mother was there too. He mentioned that he loved wild animals and enjoyed going to the zoo.

ответил 3 месяца назад

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