Конечно, давайте преобразуем существительные в множественное число и внесем необходимые изменения в указательные местоимения и формы глагола "to be":
These men work at our offices.
- "Man" становится "men", "this" меняется на "these", "works" на "work", и "office" на "offices".
I'll give you my books. These stories are very interesting.
- "Book" становится "books", "this" меняется на "these", "story" на "stories", и "is" на "are".
Women, men, boys, and girls are in the rooms.
- "A woman" становится "women", "a man" — "men", "a boy" — "boys", "a girl" — "girls", "the room" — "the rooms".
Put these knives on those tables.
- "This" меняется на "these", "knife" на "knives", "that" на "those", и "table" на "tables".
What are your names?
- "Name" становится "names", "is" меняется на "are".
He keeps his toys in boxes.
- "Toy" становится "toys", "a box" на "boxes".
New houses are in our street.
- "A new house" становится "new houses", "is" на "are".
He has new suits.
- "A new suit" становится "new suits".
The plates were on the tables.
- "Plate" становится "plates", "was" меняется на "were", "the table" на "the tables".
These towns are very large.
- "This" меняется на "these", "town" на "towns", "is" на "are".
Are those girls your sisters?
- "Is" меняется на "are", "that" на "those", "girl" на "girls", "sister" на "sisters".
Are these good students?
- "Is" меняется на "are", "this" на "these", "student" на "students".
Are these good matches?
- "Is" меняется на "are", "this" на "these", "match" на "matches".
The students put their books on the desks.
- "The student" становится "the students", "his" на "their", "book" на "books", "the desk" на "the desks".
Those houses are new.
- "That" меняется на "those", "house" на "houses", "is" на "are".
Если у вас есть еще вопросы или что-то осталось неясным, не стесняйтесь спрашивать!