Конечно, давайте разберем ваши задания.
Выбор правильного ответа
John has a very nice personality. If you____ him better, you would like him more.
Здесь используется условное предложение второго типа, которое обозначает гипотетическую ситуацию в настоящем или будущем. Для таких предложений используется конструкция "If + Past Simple, . would + base form". Правильный ответ: knew.
I’d rather you ___ me with washing up. There are a lot of dirty dishes in the sink.
Конструкция "I'd rather" используется для выражения предпочтений и требует после себя форму Past Simple. Правильный ответ: helped.
Перевод предложений
Если бы ты купил пальто, тебе бы не было так холодно.
If you had bought a coat, you wouldn't be so cold.
Алекс ездил бы сейчас на мотоцикле, если бы не продал его летом.
Alex would be riding a motorcycle now if he hadn't sold it in the summer.
Мы бы хорошо знали географию, если бы чаще ходили на уроки.
We would know geography well if we attended classes more often.
Ей было бы очень одиноко, если бы начальник не подарил ей на день рождения хомячка.
She would be very lonely if her boss hadn't given her a hamster for her birthday.
Завершение предложений условного типа I
Условные предложения первого типа (Type I) описывают реальные ситуации в будущем и строятся по формуле: "If + Present Simple, . will + base form".
If you (eat) an ice-cream, I (have) a hot chocolate.
If you eat an ice-cream, I will have a hot chocolate.
If she (need) a computer, her brother (give) her his computer.
If she needs a computer, her brother will give her his computer.
If we (have / not) time this afternoon, we (meet) tomorrow.
If we do not have time this afternoon, we will meet tomorrow.
He (talk) to her if you (want / not) to do it.
He will talk to her if you do not want to do it.
You (win / not) the game if you (know / not) the rules.
You will not win the game if you do not know the rules.
If you (wash) the dishes, I (cook) dinner tonight.
If you wash the dishes, I will cook dinner tonight.
If my dad (have) time next week, we (paint) my room.
If my dad has time next week, we will paint my room.
You (learn) a lot about American history if you (visit) the exhibition.
You will learn a lot about American history if you visit the exhibition.
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