Переведите данный текс: Было чудесное воскресное утро. Дима и Антон решили прогуляться в парке со своими...

воскресное утро прогулка в парке собаки одноклассники велосипеды контрольная работа история великая отечественная война потерянная собака поиск радость возвращение домой.

Переведите данный текс: Было чудесное воскресное утро. Дима и Антон решили прогуляться в парке со своими собаками. В парке они встретили своих одноклассников. Они катились на велосипедах. Пока Дима бегал по парку и играл с собаками, Антон сидел на лавочке и готовился к контрольной работе по истории. Он читал о великой отечественной войне. Через полчаса Дима вернулся только с одной собакой! Мальчики искали собаку везде. Друзья им помогали тоже, но найти не могли. Когда стало темнеть, ребята пошли домой расстроенные. Когда они подошли к дому, их собака ждала около двери. Мальчики были так рады видеть ее!

задан 3 месяца назад

2 Ответа


It was a wonderful Sunday morning. Dima and Anton decided to take a walk in the park with their dogs. In the park, they met their classmates who were riding bicycles. While Dima was running around the park and playing with the dogs, Anton sat on a bench and prepared for a history test. He was reading about the Great Patriotic War. After half an hour, Dima returned with only one dog! The boys searched for the dog everywhere. Their friends also helped them, but they couldn't find it. As it started to get dark, the boys went home feeling upset. When they approached the house, their dog was waiting by the door. The boys were so happy to see her!

ответил 3 месяца назад

It was a wonderful Sunday morning. Dima and Anton decided to take a walk in the park with their dogs. In the park, they met their classmates. They were riding bicycles. While Dima was running around the park and playing with the dogs, Anton sat on a bench and prepared for a history test. He was reading about the Great Patriotic War. Half an hour later, Dima returned with only one dog! The boys looked for the dog everywhere. Their friends helped them too, but they couldn't find it. When it started to get dark, the boys went home feeling upset. When they approached the house, their dog was waiting by the door. The boys were so happy to see her!

ответил 3 месяца назад

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