Конечно! Давайте рассмотрим каждое из этих слов и составим предложения, чтобы показать их правильное употребление:
Hard (трудный, усердно):
The exam was so hard that only a few students passed it.
She worked hard to finish the project on time.
Hardly (едва, почти не):
I could hardly hear what he was saying over the noise.
She was so tired that she could hardly keep her eyes open.
Late (поздний, поздно):
I was late for the meeting because of traffic.
The train arrived late, causing a lot of inconvenience.
Lately (в последнее время):
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about changing my career.
Have you seen any good movies lately?
Near (близкий, около):
The restaurant is near the office, so we can walk there.
She sat near the window to enjoy the view.
Nearly (почти, приблизительно):
It took nearly an hour to get to the airport.
She nearly missed the bus this morning.
High (высокий, высоко):
The plane was flying high above the clouds.
The price of gas is high this summer.
Highly (высоко, весьма):
She is highly regarded in her field for her expertise.
This book is highly recommended for anyone interested in history.
Эти предложения демонстрируют, как можно использовать каждое слово в различных контекстах. Надеюсь, это поможет вам лучше понять их значение и применение!