Краткий пересказ текста) The darling. Чехов. The Darling. She now had her own opinions, and at supper...

Чехов The Darling воспитание школьное образование материнский инстинкт любовь забота домашние задания школьные трудности переживания за ребенка

Краткий пересказ текста) The darling. Чехов.

The Darling. She now had her own opinions, and at supper discussed with Sasha's parents, saying how difficult the studies had become for the children at the school. But after all, she felt a classical education was better than a commercial course, because when you graduated from school then the road was open to you for any career at all. If you chose to, you could become a doctor, or, if you wanted to, you could become an engineer. Sasha started at the school. As his father was away every day inspecting cattle and was sometimes gone for up to three whole days at a time, it seemed to Olenka lhat Sasha was completely abandoned, was treated as if he were quite superfluous, and must be dying of hunger. So she transferred him into her part of the house and fixed up a little room for him there. Every morning Olenka would come into his room and find him sound asleep with his hand tucked under his cheek, so quiet that he seemed not to be breathing. "Sashenka," she said sorrowfully, "get up, darling. It's time to go to school." He got up, dressed, said his prayers, then sat down to breakfast. The sleep was not yet out of him, so he was a little cross. "You don't know your fables1 as you should, Sashenka," said Olenka, looking at him as though he were departing on a long journey. "What a lot of trouble you are. You must try hard and learn, dear, and mind your teachers." "Oh, leave me alone, please," said Sasha. Then he went down the street to the school, a little fellow wearing a large cap and carrying a satchel on his back. "Sashenka," she called. He looked round and she shoved a date3 or a caramel into his hand. When he reached the street of the school, he turned around, ashamed of being followed by a tall, stout woman and said, "You had better go home, aunt.

She stopped and stared at him until he had disappeared through the school entrance. Oh, how she loved him! Not one of her other ties had been so deep. Never before had she given herself so completely and so cheerfully as now. Her maternal instincts were all aroused. For this boy, who was not hers, for the dimples in his cheeks and for his big cap, she would have given her life and given it with tears of joy. Why? Ah, indeed, why? When she had seen Sasha off to school, she returned home quietly, content, peaceful and overflowing with love. Her face, which had grown younger in the last six months, smiled and beamed. People who met her were pleased as they looked at her. "How are you, Olga Semyonovna, darling? How are you getting on, darling?" "The school courses are very difficult nowadays," she told people at the market. "It's no joke. Yesterday the first class had a fable to learn by heart, a Latin translation, and a problem. And she spoke of the teacher and the lessons and Ihe textbooks, repeating exactly what Sasha said about them. At three o'clock they had dinner. In the evening they did his homework together, both crying at how difficult it was. When she put him to bed, she stayed a long time making the sign of the cross over him muttering a prayer. And when she lay in bed, she dreamed of the far-away, misty future when Sasha would finish his studies and become a doctor or an engineer, have a large house of his own, with horses and a carriage, marry and have children. 7 And the black cat would lie at her side purring "Mrr, mrr, mrr."

задан 9 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


Оленька влюбилась в мальчика по имени Саша, который был сыном ее друзей. Она полностью предалась этому мальчику, заботилась о нем, учила его, хотя он не был ее собственным ребенком. Она чувствовала глубокую привязанность к нему, готова была отдать за него свою жизнь. Ее материнские инстинкты были полностью пробуждены. Она была счастлива, она улыбалась, люди замечали ее счастье и спрашивали, как она себя чувствует. Она жила мечтой о том, как Саша закончит учебу, станет доктором или инженером, и у него будет собственный дом, семья. Она мечтала о светлом будущем, о счастливой жизни для этого мальчика, который стал для нее самым дорогим человеком.

ответил 9 месяцев назад

"The Darling" by Anton Chekhov tells the story of Olga Semyonovna, affectionately known as Olenka, and her deep emotional attachment to her surroundings, particularly through the people she loves. After her husband passes away, Olenka finds herself alone, without a clear purpose or direction in life. Her life becomes meaningful again when she takes on a maternal role for Sasha, a young boy whose parents are often away.

Olenka becomes deeply involved in every aspect of Sasha's life. She discusses educational opinions at supper with Sasha’s parents, favoring a classical education over a commercial one, as it opens more career paths. When Sasha’s father is frequently absent due to his job, Olenka perceives Sasha as neglected and takes him into her own part of the house, setting up a room for him and caring for him as if he were her own child.

Her routine revolves around Sasha’s daily life. She wakes him up gently each morning, prepares his breakfast, and ensures he is ready for school. Olenka is fully invested in his academic progress, encouraging him to learn and respect his teachers, despite his occasional irritation. Each school day, she sees him off with a small treat and watches him until he disappears into the school, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and devotion.

Throughout the day, Olenka's conversations with others—whether at the market or around the neighborhood—often revolve around the school's curriculum and Sasha’s comments about his lessons. She engages with his schoolwork, sharing both the struggles and achievements.

In the evenings, they tackle homework together, often finding the tasks challenging, which brings them to tears. Bedtime routines are equally tender, with Olenka praying over Sasha, hoping for his prosperous future as a successful professional with his own family. Her nights are filled with dreams of Sasha’s bright future, reflecting her complete emotional investment and the fulfillment she derives from her role in his life.

Olenka’s character is defined by her ability to love deeply and devote herself entirely to the well-being of others, finding her own happiness in their success and security. Her story is a poignant exploration of love, purpose, and the human need for connection and belonging.

ответил 9 месяцев назад

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