Exercise 5. Insert articles or possessive pronouns where necessary: Heart attack is recognized by ....

сердечный приступ боль в груди внезапное начало сердечная компрессия искусственное дыхание медицинская помощь инфаркт миокарда сердечная арест рвота закупорка дыхательных путей слабый пульс низкое кровяное давление

Exercise 5. Insert articles or possessive pronouns where necessary:

Heart attack is recognized by . sudden onset of . severe pain across . chest, radiating to the shoulder and left arm. Rhythmically applying pressure to . chest is repeated 80 times . minute and is called external cardiac compression. Combined with artificial respira­tion it can keep . patient alive until . expert medical help is avail­able.

Exercise 6. Insert prepositions where necessary:

The pain . myocardial infarction is far more severe than other heart pains. The patient may collapse and cardiac arrest can occur.

Vomiting is common and there is a risk . blockage . the airway. The skin is pale, pulse weak, blood pressure low. Complete blockage means that the portion . heart muscle which is supplied . the blocked artery cannot function any longer, the heart may stop beating altogether.

задан 12 дней назад

3 Ответа


Exercise 5:

A heart attack is recognized by the sudden onset of severe pain across the chest, radiating to the shoulder and left arm. Rhythmically applying pressure to the chest is repeated 80 times a minute and is called external cardiac compression. Combined with artificial respiration it can keep the patient alive until expert medical help is available.

Exercise 6:

The pain of myocardial infarction is far more severe than other heart pains. The patient may collapse and cardiac arrest can occur.

Vomiting is common and there is a risk of blockage of the airway. The skin is pale, pulse weak, blood pressure low. Complete blockage means that the portion of heart muscle which is supplied by the blocked artery cannot function any longer, and the heart may stop beating altogether.

ответил 12 дней назад

Certainly! Let's tackle these exercises one by one.

Exercise 5: Articles and Possessive Pronouns

  1. Heart attack is recognized by a sudden onset of a severe pain across the chest, radiating to the shoulder and left arm.

    • a sudden onset: The indefinite article "a" is used because "sudden onset" is being introduced for the first time and is a general description.
    • a severe pain: Again, the indefinite article "a" is appropriate here for the same reason as above.
    • the chest: The definite article "the" is used because it's specifying a particular area of the body that is commonly understood.
  2. Rhythmically applying pressure to the chest is repeated 80 times a minute and is called external cardiac compression.

    • the chest: The definite article "the" is used as it's specifying a known area of the body.
    • a minute: The indefinite article "a" is used to denote a general measure of time.
  3. Combined with artificial respiration it can keep the patient alive until - (no article) expert medical help is available.

    • the patient: The definite article "the" is used since the patient is a specific individual being referred to.
    • expert medical help: No article is needed here, as "expert medical help" is a general concept and does not require specification.

Exercise 6: Prepositions

  1. The pain of myocardial infarction is far more severe than other heart pains.

    • of myocardial infarction: The preposition "of" is used to indicate the relationship between "pain" and "myocardial infarction."
  2. The patient may collapse and cardiac arrest can occur.

    • No preposition is needed here as the sentence is complete and correctly structured.
  3. Vomiting is common and there is a risk of blockage of the airway.

    • risk of blockage: "Of" is used to show the association between "risk" and "blockage."
    • blockage of the airway: "Of" is again used to describe the specific location or area affected by the blockage.
  4. The skin is pale, pulse weak, blood pressure low. Complete blockage means that the portion of heart muscle which is supplied by the blocked artery cannot function any longer, the heart may stop beating altogether.

    • portion of heart muscle: "Of" indicates a part-whole relationship.
    • supplied by the blocked artery: "By" is used to indicate the agent performing an action, in this case, the artery supplying the heart muscle.

I hope this helps clarify the use of articles, possessive pronouns, and prepositions in these sentences!

ответил 12 дней назад

Exercise 5: A heart attack is recognized by the sudden onset of severe pain across the chest, radiating to the shoulder and left arm. Rhythmically applying pressure to the chest is repeated 80 times a minute and is called external cardiac compression. Combined with artificial respiration it can keep the patient alive until expert medical help is available.

Exercise 6: The pain of a myocardial infarction is far more severe than other heart pains. The patient may collapse and cardiac arrest can occur. Vomiting is common and there is a risk of blockage in the airway. The skin is pale, pulse weak, blood pressure low. Complete blockage means that the portion of the heart muscle which is supplied by the blocked artery cannot function any longer, the heart may stop beating altogether.

ответил 12 дней назад

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