Cрочно Переведите данные существительные и заполните пропуски по смыслу: a flower, a railway station,...

перевод существительные английский язык упражнения заполнение пропусков словарный запас языковая практика грамматика.

Cрочно Переведите данные существительные и заполните пропуски по смыслу: a flower, a railway station, a shop-assistant, a cousin, a piece, a perfume, a bottle, a cup, a bag, a plate, a spoon, a fork, a knife, a shape, a language, a vase, a seat, a birthday present

  1. We decided to buy an expensive.for my. 2. My cousin studies two.at the university.
  2. We got to the. only at 9 o'clock in the evening. 4. Our parents brought home different .from the garden. 5. At the lunch time my sister put .and.on the table and my brother brought one.of Cola and two.of mineral water. Then we took our.at the table. 6. My mother told us at lunch about a.from the shopping center. She knew him many years and he always helped her to buy. 7. My brother broke a cup into . in his room. We heard it from the kitchen. 6. What is in your heavy? It has a strange. 9. My sister likes expensive.I always bring her.on her birthday.

задан 4 месяца назад

2 Ответа


Конечно, давайте разберем и переведем существительные, а затем заполним пропуски по смыслу:

Перевод существительных:

  • a flower — цветок
  • a railway station — железнодорожная станция
  • a shop-assistant — продавец
  • a cousin — двоюродный брат/сестра
  • a piece — кусок
  • a perfume — духи
  • a bottle — бутылка
  • a cup — чашка
  • a bag — сумка
  • a plate — тарелка
  • a spoon — ложка
  • a fork — вилка
  • a knife — нож
  • a shape — форма
  • a language — язык
  • a vase — ваза
  • a seat — сиденье
  • a birthday present — подарок на день рождения

Заполнение пропусков:

  1. We decided to buy an expensive perfume for my cousin.

    • Мы решили купить дорогие духи для моего двоюродного брата/сестры.
  2. My cousin studies two languages at the university.

    • Мой двоюродный брат/сестра изучает два языка в университете.
  3. We got to the railway station only at 9 o'clock in the evening.

    • Мы прибыли на железнодорожную станцию только в 9 часов вечера.
  4. Our parents brought home different flowers from the garden.

    • Наши родители принесли домой разные цветы из сада.
  5. At the lunch time my sister put plates and forks on the table and my brother brought one bottle of Cola and two bottles of mineral water. Then we took our seats at the table.

    • Во время обеда моя сестра поставила на стол тарелки и вилки, а мой брат принес одну бутылку Колы и две бутылки минеральной воды. Затем мы заняли свои места за столом.
  6. My mother told us at lunch about a shop-assistant from the shopping center. She knew him many years and he always helped her to buy perfumes.

    • Моя мать рассказала нам за обедом о продавце из торгового центра. Она знала его много лет, и он всегда помогал ей покупать духи.
  7. My brother broke a cup into pieces in his room. We heard it from the kitchen.

    • Мой брат разбил чашку на кусочки в своей комнате. Мы услышали это из кухни.
  8. What is in your heavy bag? It has a strange shape.

    • Что в твоей тяжелой сумке? Она имеет странную форму.
  9. My sister likes expensive perfumes. I always bring her a perfume on her birthday.

    • Моя сестра любит дорогие духи. Я всегда дарю ей духи на день рождения.

ответил 4 месяца назад

  1. We decided to buy an expensive perfume for my cousin.
  2. My cousin studies two languages at the university.
  3. We got to the railway station only at 9 o'clock in the evening.
  4. Our parents brought home different flowers from the garden.
  5. At lunchtime my sister put plates and spoons on the table and my brother brought a bottle of Cola and two bottles of mineral water. Then we took our seats at the table.
  6. My mother told us at lunch about a shop-assistant from the shopping center. She knew him many years and he always helped her to buy bags.
  7. My brother broke a cup into pieces in his room. We heard it from the kitchen.
  8. What is in your heavy bag? It has a strange shape.
  9. My sister likes expensive perfumes. I always bring her a bottle on her birthday.

ответил 4 месяца назад

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