53.3 Finish the sentences. Use me/us/him/her/it/them.
1 Who is that woman? Why are you looking at her.
2 'Do you know that man?' 'Yes, I work with
3 I'm talking to you. Please listen to
4 These photographs are nice. Do you want to look at.
5 I like that camera. I'm going to buy
6 Where are the tickets? I can't find
7 We're going out. You can come with
8 I don't like dogs. I'm afraid of
9 Where is she? I want to talk to
10 Those apples are bad. Don't eat
53.4 Put in it/them + me/ue/him/her/them.
1 I want those books. Please give . tjbern. to No.<.-.
2 He wants the key. Please give to
3 She wants the keys. Please give to
4 I want the letter. Please give to
5 They want the money. Please give to
6 We want the photographs. Please give to