10 Вопросов в Past Simple на тему "мои зимние каникулы" 10 Вопросов в Past Perfect на тему "мой обычный...

Past Simple зимние каникулы вопросы путешествия развлечения отдых друзья семья снежные горки катание на лыжах каникулы отпуск воспоминания события праздники Past Perfect обычный день распорядок привычки действия до определенного момента завтрак работа учеба домашние дела обед вечер сон

10 Вопросов в Past Simple на тему "мои зимние каникулы" 10 Вопросов в Past Perfect на тему "мой обычный день"

задан 7 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


  1. Did you go skiing during your winter vacation?
  2. Where did you spend your winter holidays last year?
  3. Did you visit any new places during your winter break?
  4. How many days did your winter vacation last?
  5. Did you have a snowball fight during your winter break?
  6. Did you build a snowman during your winter holidays?
  7. Did you celebrate any holidays during your winter vacation?
  8. Did you go ice skating during your winter break?
  9. Did you drink hot chocolate by the fireplace during your winter holidays?
  10. Did you take any photos during your winter vacation?

  11. Had you finished your breakfast before you left for work?

  12. What had you done before you realized you forgot your keys?
  13. Had you checked your email before you received the important message?
  14. What had you eaten for lunch before you felt sick?
  15. Had you taken the dog for a walk before it started raining?
  16. What had you watched on TV before you went to bed?
  17. Had you finished your homework before your friends came over?
  18. What had you bought at the store before you remembered you needed milk?
  19. Had you cleaned the house before your parents arrived?
  20. What had you done before you realized you lost your wallet?

ответил 7 месяцев назад

Past Simple:

  1. Where did you spend your winter vacation?
  2. Did you go skiing during your winter break?
  3. What activities did you do over your winter holidays?
  4. Did you visit any new places during your winter vacation?
  5. Who did you spend most of your winter break with?
  6. Did you have a white Christmas last year?
  7. Did you try any new winter sports during your winter vacation?
  8. Which was your favorite memory from your winter holidays?
  9. Did you have any special celebrations during your winter break?
  10. How did you feel when your winter vacation came to an end?

Past Perfect:

  1. What had you done before you realized it was already noon?
  2. Had you finished your breakfast before you left for work?
  3. What had you achieved by the end of your usual day?
  4. Had you received any important news before lunchtime?
  5. What had you planned to do after you had finished work for the day?
  6. Had you already completed your daily tasks before your colleagues arrived?
  7. What had you prepared for dinner by the time your family got home?
  8. Had you had any unexpected visitors before you went to bed?
  9. What had you been thinking about before you made that important decision?
  10. Had you ever experienced such a hectic day before?

ответил 7 месяцев назад

Конечно, давайте начнем с вопросов в Past Simple на тему "мои зимние каникулы":

  1. Where did you go during your winter holidays?
  2. Did you visit any new places over the winter break?
  3. What activities did you do during your winter vacation?
  4. Did you spend time with family or friends during the holidays?
  5. How did you celebrate New Year's Eve?
  6. Did you try any new winter sports or activities?
  7. What was the most memorable moment of your winter holidays?
  8. Did you experience any snowfall during your winter break?
  9. How long did your winter holidays last?
  10. Did you buy any special gifts or souvenirs during your winter vacation?

Теперь перейдем к вопросам в Past Perfect на тему "мой обычный день":

  1. What had you done before you left for work/school?
  2. Had you eaten breakfast before you started your day?
  3. By the time you arrived home, had you finished all your tasks for the day?
  4. Had you checked your emails before you went to bed?
  5. What had you prepared for lunch before you left home?
  6. Had you completed your morning exercise routine before breakfast?
  7. By the time your day ended, had you met all your deadlines?
  8. Had you planned your day the night before?
  9. Had you read any news or articles before you started your work?
  10. What had you done to relax before you went to sleep?

Эти вопросы помогут лучше понять использование Past Simple и Past Perfect в контексте описания событий и действий.

ответил 7 месяцев назад

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